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Lawton Memorial Library Board Special Meeting

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


*Chair Barbara Melvin called the special board meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. at the Lawton Memorial Library. Roll call was taken with board members Melvin, Donna Niles, Georgia Everson, Gail Muller, Carol Persons (via Facetime), and Kimberly Walker present. Absent was member Gwendolyn Hatfield. Also present was Librarian Lisa Ahler.                 


*Verification of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on February 27, 2023, was given.             


*Muller moved, Everson seconded to convene into closed session, in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes section 19.85 (1)(c), for consideration of a candidate for the Library Assistant position. (Carried).


                                       **Closed Session**


*Niles moved, Everson seconded to return to open session and continue the meeting. (Carried).


*Niles moved, Muller seconded to hire Dana Yearous for the Library Assistant, at $15 per hour, with a starting date to be determined by Lisa and Dana. (Carried). Lisa will call her, and if doesn’t work, she will let the board know.


*At a previous meeting, mentioned asking the Friends of the Library to host an open house on April 7th and 8th for retiring Library Assistant Becky Hooker. Lisa was going to be gone then, but now will be here, so Lisa can work and Becky can enjoy her last day socializing, which is Friday, April 17th. The Friends will do food and drinks all day on the 17th.  


*Everson moved, Niles seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 3:21 p.m.



Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer

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