Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

Click on the above icon to make online utility payments.
Click on pages below to access information or look under the Community Life Information menu item
Economic Flood Recovery Information: Information related to the village's EDA planning grant
Main Street Planning Project: Meeting notes, plans and discussions related to the village's CDBG grant.
Utility Bill Payment Information: Directions regarding on-line payments
Village Board and Library Board Meeting Minutes: Beginning with January 2022
Village Committees: Listing of all committees and members
Village Information: Utility information, Garbage and Recycling, Community Center and Park Shelter reservation info, etc.
Village Ordinances: Copies of all adopted village ordinances
Village Ordinances Index: Listing of ordinance subject matters and where they can be found on the Ordinance page
Where Do We Go From Here: Notes from community meetings with FEMA after the 2018 flood