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a Kickapoo River town
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Lawton Memorial Library Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, January 23, 2024
*5:15 p.m. Chair Barbara Melvin called the meeting to order at the Lawton Memorial Library. Roll call was taken with all board members present: Melvin, Gwendolyn Hatfield, Georgia Everson, Gail Muller, Donna Niles, Carol Persons (phone in) and Kimberly Walker. Also present was Librarian Lisa Ahler.
*Verification of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on January 22, 2024, was given.
*Everson moved, Hatfield seconded to approve the November 28, 2023, minutes. (Carried).
*Financial report: Reviewed the 2023 year. The ending balance was a negative $410.67. There is a carryover of $2,125.77 in donations. The savings has $9,048.25, after moving $12,000 to a new CD that the board approved in November, plus the other 2 CDs of $4,075.40 and $31,374.32. Had a discussion on what made the budget go over, reviewing line items that were over and what was under. Next year, will need to be more vigilant about it. Hatfield moved, Muller seconded to approve the financial report. (Carried).
*Statistical Report: Lisa reviewed the statistical report for November and December numbers. Looked over the circulation count, community room use, and the various groups. Also looked at the revenue from fines, copies, faxes, and donations/miscellaneous.
*Friends Update: Had the first Sip & Chat (coffee and conversation time) last Friday and it went very well. Carol mentioned she has started work on setting up the Music in the Park event for the Summer.
*Directors Report:
**Been busy weeding. Needs to be completed by mid-July for the new system changeover.
**Lisa passed out a sheet on the ILS migration timeline from Sierra to Polaris, planned for September.
**The “Winter Reading Bingo” started in December and is going well. This is over the end of February.
**The library mugs ordered just came in. They will be used for adult bingo prizes.
**The “Winter Scavenger Hunt” is very popular. Pictures are put around the kid’s area to find.
**The state park (one day) passes came in that the Friends paid for. Will get them out soon.
**The Audubon Bird Count last month had 5 in attendance.
**The annual report opened today, so will be working on that coming up.
**Six libraries were down today with Internet issues, including us.
**Lisa will be at La Farge School on February 2nd for the 3K/4K kids.
**Jane Schmidt is here February 21st.
**WRLS price for a new projector/screen is $1,200ish. The Friends group is looking to purchase this item.
**A magnifying viewer was donated by a patron for people with compromised sight.
**The Town of Whitestown donated $1,500 to us, which was much appreciated. For the next meeting, would like to see the usage numbers of the area Townships.
**Agreed to discontinue phone calls for when material arrives for patrons. They get an automated notice.
**The first week in June, Dana will be gone for 8 weeks (maternity). Becky Hooker was asked to fill in.
*Public comments: Carol commented that our books in series are nicely labeled. In Arizona, where she’s at, they don’t have this. It’s a nice thing we do for our patrons. And Georgia asked about the availability of any grants for us. Need specific projects to apply for grants. Maybe something to check into for the future.
*The next meeting was scheduled for March 26, 2024, at 5:15 p.m.
*Niles moved, Everson seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer