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Lawton Memorial Library Board Meeting

Regular Board Meeting          Tuesday, January 24, 2023


*5:15 p.m. Chair Barbara Melvin called the meeting to order at the Lawton Memorial Library. Roll call was taken with all board members present: Melvin, Donna Niles, Gail Muller, Georgia Everson, Gwendolyn Hatfield, Carol Persons (facetime), and Kimberly Walker. Also present was Librarian Lisa Ahler.    


*Verification of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on January 23, 2023, was given.         


*Hatfield moved, Niles seconded to approve the minutes from the November 29, 2022, meeting. (Carried).


*Financial report: Reviewed the 2022 year. The ending balance was a positive $5,936.54. The resource grant, Gates grant, and Cropp grant carryovers were all used. The only carryover is $2,354.78 in donations.  The savings has $17,423.21, plus the 2 CDs of $3,990.92 and $30,662.44. Muller moved, Everson seconded to approve the financial report and to move the remaining budget balance amount of $5,936.54 to the library savings account. (Carried).


*Statistical Report: Lisa reviewed the stats of the circulation. For the year, we had 14,750. The patrons using the library has gone up, averaging 36 a day in November and 59 in December. Curbside use has dropped considerably. The community room use for the year was 141 times. Reviewed the revenues.         


*Friends Update: Carol mentioned they’re looking at getting things for the bottom of the chairs in the conference room and are willing to support and help fund any programming coming up.


*Directors Report:      

**Becky turned in her letter of resignation today.

**The new printer was installed last week.

**The winter reading Bingo has started and runs through March. 

**The system is now offering “Kanopy”, a streaming service like Net flicks.

**Selecting a new ILS is going slow. Lisa has another 3-day presentation in February. Could be the end of the year before it happens.

**The annual report is due February 24th.

**Carol was having problems with cutting out a lot on Facetime, so she exited the meeting at this time.  

**Received a $1,250 donation from the Town of Whitestown and $500 from Samantha Laskowski and Leonard Krupinski.

**The reimbursement has been received from WRLS for the conference Lisa attended last year.   

**Been having issues with children in and out of the building. Outside they moved the camera again, kicked the door, and other things. Inside, they mess around and use bad language. Our Police Officer looked at the cameras and made a copy of the footage and talked with them. Discussed at what point do we decide to not let them in? Left it to Lisa on what she can tolerate and decided on the first offense, they are given a warning. The second time, they are out of the library for a week. Then more if it continues. Lisa will keep a record when they are causing problems. If they cause damage, this will be turned in to the police. Also, decided to put 3 or 4 cameras inside, possibly by the kid’s area, the circulation desk, the computer area, and the bathroom area. Hatfield moved, Niles seconded to contact Vernon Communications and have 3 or 4 cameras installed. (Carried).       



**Lunch & Learn program: There’s things that need to be worked out yet, and they have no tech support. Three libraries are going to try it. Decided to wait and see how things go for them before committing.   


**Barb read a resignation letter received from Rebecca Hooker, our Library Assistant. Her last day is set for April 8th. Hatfield moved, Muller seconded to reluctantly accept her resignation. (Carried, with Niles opposing). Becky has said she would be a sub when needed.  


**Mentioned having a little farewell for her. Gwen will get with the Friends group to see about an open house day with coffee and cookies or something on Friday April 7th and Saturday April 8th. And the board will have a separate get together later in May, possibly at Georgia’s. Will discuss this more in March.


**Job Description/Posting & Advertising of position: Lisa put together a Library Assistant/Youth Services description. The board agreed it looked good. Niles moved, Hatfield seconded to approve the job description. (Carried).

**Looking at the position to average 22 hours a week, at $15.00 an hour. We budgeted for this starting in April but could be over slightly at year end depending on when they start. Would like to start training in March. Lisa read thru the job ad she wrote. Will put this in the Episcope and Epitaph-News newspapers for the next 2 weeks, along with on the library and village websites, LAPA Facebook page, Indeed, and WLA. Asking for a cover letter, resume, and to fill out our application form. Deadline to submit the information is February 13th but will word it that applications will still be accepted if the position isn’t filled. Scheduled February 15th at 3 p.m. for a special meeting to review applications received. Interviews will be set for the week of February 20th. 


*Public comments: None.            


*The next meeting was scheduled for March 28, 2023, at 5:15 p.m.  


*Everson moved, Niles seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:38 p.m.



Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer

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