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a Kickapoo River town
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Lawton Memorial Library Board Meeting
Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, March 26, 2024
*5:15 p.m. Chair Barbara Melvin called the meeting to order at the Lawton Memorial Library. Roll call was taken with all board members present: Melvin, Donna Niles, Georgia Everson, Gail Muller, Gwendolyn Hatfield, Carol Persons (phone in) and Kimberly Walker. Also present was Librarian Lisa Ahler.
*Verification of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on March 22, 2024, was given.
*Hatfield moved, Niles seconded to approve the previous meetings minutes, from January 23, 2024, February 6, 2024, and March 5, 2024. (Carried).
*Financial report: Reviewed the report from 1/1/2024 thru 3/25/2024. The operating balance is $47,816.78. We haven’t received the Vernon County aid payment yet, (of $29,931). Walker will check on this with the county. The regular savings has $9,408.25, plus the 3 CDs of $4,096.74, $31,374.32, and $12,000.00. Muller moved, Everson seconded to approve the financial report. (Carried).
*Director/Statistical Report:
**Lisa reviewed January and February stat numbers on circulation, patrons in the library, community room use, and the various groups. She also had revenue numbers for fines, copies, and faxes.
**Storytime today was a big hit with having the therapy dog, Maddie, present.
**Gwen and Rowen Ralph were the winners for the “Winter Reading Bingo” event.
**The Energy program had 13 in attendance and Jane Schmidt had 16.
**The annual report is completed and was sent out to the board members.
**We received a $200 donation from the La Farge School-Lions Club “Giving Back” program.
**Lisa had the magnifying viewer set up for members to look at, which was donated to us.
**April 2nd at 1 p.m. is a program on Dementia.
**May 20th, at 5 p.m. is a program by Scott Lind about the Night Sky: A “How To” Guide for better outdoor lighting.
**Ben Johnston will be doing a program on “7 Actions to Help Birds” sometime in April.
**Lisa talked about the different programming groups.
**Our new cleaning lady, Mary Peters, is doing a wonderful job.
*Friends Update: The first two Sip & Chat’s (coffee and conversation time) went well. April 19th is the next one. Encourage people to attend. And Carol is working on the Music in the Park for the Summer.
**2023 Year-end financial adjustments: Lisa and Kim worked on re-arranging some of the categories involved in the library financial report. Lisa needed a clearer picture of some items for the annual report. It involved donations. The donations expense line was removed. When items get purchased from the donation income, they are now put in the expense accounts they belong in (ex. books, supplies, etc.). Donations left at the end of the year that were not spent are listed off to the side to track. And two new line items were added called Transfer from savings (Income) and Equipment-paid from Savings (Expense) to account for items paid out of the savings account. The total budget balance for 2023 was a negative $648.40.
**Annual Report 2023: Lisa gave a brief overview and explained a few changes in the circulation, website visits, circ puzzles, and the wireless. Niles moved, Hatfield seconded to accept the 2023 Annual report. (Carried). From our last meeting, it was asked to see usage numbers from the area Townships we serve. Lisa put these numbers together for review.
**Dana Yearous Schedule: Dana will be off the first week in June for 8 weeks (maternity). When she returns, she will need to change her schedule with the new baby for a year. She’s looking to come in before the library is open on some days, as she needs to leave at 3 p.m. Possible schedule is Monday, 12 p.m. -3 p.m, Tuesday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Wednesday, 2 p.m. – 7 p.m. (no change), and Friday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. This was fine with the board. She has also been working on her library schooling.
**Becky Hooker Schedule: Becky is filling in for Dana when she’s gone. She will start May 29th, and work through July. Her schedule is 15 hours per week. The Board was fine with this.
*Public comments:
**Barb spoke with Aaron Nemec on the library sign out front. He is busy with an event at his work right now but plans to start work on it in April.
**Donna asked about a book called the ABCs of Wisconsin, and inquired if we could possibly get this.
*The next meeting was scheduled for June 4, 2024, at 5:15 p.m.
*Hatfield moved, Everson seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:08 p.m.
Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer