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Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

Click on the above icon to make online utility payments.

There are 3 remaining tickets available for purchase on-line (as of 6/21).
Deadline for buying tickets is June 30, 2020
Fill in each field in the form below. All fields are required.
Verify the information.
Click on Submit to send us your information​.
If the outline on the entry boxes​ turns red, there was an error. Please refresh the page and try again.
- Click on the PayPal button to make your payment.​
A copy of your ticket will be texted or e-mailed to you.
A live drawing will be held on Facebook - July 4th at 10:00 p.m.
Any questions or problems - write Frank Quinn at
1. First Name:
2. Last Name:
3. Street Address
4. City:
5. State:
6. Zip Code:
7. Phone:
8. E-mail Address:
9. 1 ticket at a time may be purchased.
x $50
You may order more tickets by filling out the form again.


Thank you for helping to support the Lions Club activities in La Farge!
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