Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

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Regular Board Meeting Monday, January 8, 2024
1). Village President Frank Quinn called the regular meeting of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Emergency Services building, at 201 S. Cherry Street.
Roll Call – Present at the meeting:
Board members: Aaron Nemec, Karen Leis, Dave Fish, Barbara Melvin, Terry Jensen (by phone), and Frank Quinn. Absent was Aaron Appleman.
Also: News reporters Lonnie Muller and Bonnie Sherman, Public Works Manager Wayne Haugrud, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, Police Chief Steve Palmer, Alan Buss, and Clerk Kimberly Walker.
2). Verification was given of meeting publishing in the La Farge Episcope, and of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on Thursday, January 4, 2024.
3). Melvin moved, Nemec seconded to approve the previous meetings minutes: (12-11-23/Regular Village board meeting). (Carried).
4). Correspondence: None.
5). Public Comment: Alan Buss, with the Vernon County Energy District, S8293 Prestegard Road, Readstown, was present on the Microgrid Feasibility study. MuGrid has all the info they need for the study, and it will take 6-9 months to complete. When the study is done, they will come back to the village to see what we want to achieve, etc. He also said when the utility committee meets next, VCED would like to come and talk with them on electrical issues. And next Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. at the Historical Society, is the first Rural Recharge of the season, to talk about rebates and incentives.
6). Utility business:
**Greg explained the utilities have two old accounts that are no longer in use, a Sewer debt service checking, and an Electric bond redemption fund savings. Fish moved, Leis seconded to close the accounts. (Carried).
**The water rate case was approved by the PSC. The increase is 8%, which is set to go February 1, 2024.
**The sewer increase of 4% on the volume only charge, will also be effective February 1, 2024.
**Johnson Block & Company has submitted our electric rate case to the PSC. JBC thinks it will be a 5-6% increase. It will take the PSC awhile to process this.
**The Village fronted the money to replace Adam’s pickup. The utilities will pay them back by year end.
**One water CD was rolled into a new CD at the FSB. Interest was 1.75%. It is now 5.35% for 11 months.
**Three electric CDs were rolled into 2 new CDs at the FSB. Interest on those were 2-3%. They are also at 5.35% for 11 months each.
**The communications at the well reservoir are up and going.
**The clarifier at the wastewater treatment plant is still out of service. Waiting to hear from them. Have paid them $6,000 so far.
**December 19th had the switchover of the substation. Don Russell and Forster have the outside service in.
Most of the outages were less than an hour. We currently have no backup generation, until April (?). Most of the generator is unhooked and is scheduled to be moved 1-11-24. Then the following week the switch gear will be moved to the new location and wired. There will be small outages with this.
7). Old Business: Daycare update: Quinn reported we’re still waiting to hear back from them, but they have extended the deadline to use the funds to March 31st.
**Ricky Meyers has started putting up posts for the new shelter by the disc golf area.
**On our junk dealer, Police Chief Palmer said according to CCAP, sometime in February is the status conference on the abatement issue.
8). Back in April 2023, the board approved to adopt Vernon County’s Emergency Operations Plan, by adopting Resolution #4-10-2023. They’ve been working since then to update the plan. It’s been formally approved by the Vernon County Board of Supervisors, Wisconsin Emergency Management, and FEMA. Now that that’s complete, each municipality needs to approve a Resolution “Adopting the Vernon County Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan 2023-2028” as an official plan. Leis moved, Melvin seconded to approve this resolution (#1-08-2024). (Carried). The Village has a plan for small things, but it needs reviewed again.
9). Melvin moved, Nemec seconded to approve an operator license for Danielle Heisler (Carried). She completed the SERV Safe Alcohol Service Training Program on 7-18-2023.
10). Police Report/Update:
**Chief Steve Palmer reported on a dog problem on the East end of town. Dogs are running at large, and the owners are being cited.
**He’s looking into grants to purchase a new AED for the squad. The one we have is outdated.
**He’s starting meetings with AXON to get the new dash camera installed. Received the $10,000 donation from Organic Valley to help fund this. Looking at February 13th for possible activation. The company flies in a technician to install it.
11). Committee Reports and Updates: None.
12). Melvin moved, Leis seconded to approve payment of the bills. (Carried).
13). Jensen moved, Leis seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer