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Regular Board Meeting        Monday, March 11, 2024


1). Village President Frank Quinn called the regular meeting of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Emergency Services building, at 201 S. Cherry Street.


Roll Call – Present at the meeting:

All Board members: Dave Fish, Aaron Appleman, Karen Leis, Barbara Melvin, Aaron Nemec, Terry Jensen, and Frank Quinn.                

Also: News reporter Lonnie Muller, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, Police Chief Steve Palmer, Brad Steinmetz, Al Buss, Samantha Laskowski, Victoria Strauser, and Clerk Kimberly Walker.     


2). Verification was given of meeting publishing in the La Farge Episcope, and of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on Friday, March 8, 2024.    


3). Melvin moved, Leis seconded to approve the previous meetings minutes: (2-12-24/Regular Village board meeting; 3-5-24/Special Library Board meeting; and 3-6-24/Parks, Grounds, Buildings, and Cemetery committee meeting). (Carried).


4). Correspondence: None. 


5). Public Comment: None.   


6). Utility business: Greg Lawton gave a report, as PWM Wayne Haugrud was not present tonight.

**At the substation, they’re working through the final things. Projecting to be done by mid-April.  

**We are to receive a $1 million dollar grant from the application Greg Lawton applied for about a year ago, from the package for the Third District, that Congressman Derrick Van Orden advocated for. This is for the relocation of the electrical substation and infrastructure to higher ground. Receiving this helps to reimburse the TIF Expenses, to free up money for other projects.   


7). Old Business: Back in November, the board approved gifting our share of the alley closure by the skatepark (between Lots 3 & 8, to the Free Methodist Church as they requested). They had also asked for this to be squared up with a portion of the abutting land between Lots 4 & 7, but the alley didn’t go into those lots, so they needed to bring back a land description. One has been obtained. To finish the process, the      

board needs to approve proceeding, then publish it in the paper for 3 weeks, and at the April board meeting, the final approval can be made. Jensen moved, Melvin seconded to gift the lots to the church. (Carried).  


8). Victoria Strauser, Al Buss, and Samantha Laskowski were present on behalf of the Vernon County Energy District. They are offering free energy services for the village. Al said VCED just received a grant from WEDC to help them grow and offer more services. He thanked Frank for the letter of support for this. This Wednesday is a Rural Recharge event at our Library. At these educational events they host, they will show energy monitors they can install in your home to monitor things. They have 30 of them for free. Then on the Microgrid Feasibility Study, they’re still looking for some more data from the Utilities. Also may need to meet with the Utility committee in the future.         


9). Jensen moved, Nemec seconded to approve advertising for bids for the mowing and trimming of the Chapel Hill Cemetery. (Carried). 


10). Police Report/Update: Police Chief Palmer reported his squad dash camera was installed on February 13th and has been exceptional. He’s using it for 2 different cases now. It’s already read over 6,300 plates. After the meeting tonight, he will do a presentation of it for the board and others. It’s a good tool to have.  


11). Committee Reports and Updates:     

**Aaron Appleman reported the Parks committee met and agreed to have the area Veterans pictures, that Dave Fish has, displayed at the community center. Dave is working on getting a frame built for them.


12).Also at the community center, looking into building storage units for people/groups to store their items. And Greg is looking at funding for a new battery backup tornado siren for the village.

**Frank reported the Daycare is coming along. Looking at interviewing possible Directors this week and need some remodeling work done at the Bethel Parkside building. This includes a few temporary walls and turning 3 windows into doors. These plans need to go to an architect for approval.


13). Fish moved, Leis seconded to approve payment of the bills. (Carried).


14). Jensen moved, Nemec seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:50 p.m.



                                                           Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer

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