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             VILLAGE OF LA FARGE

                 Regular Board Meeting          Monday, June 12, 2023


1). Village President Frank Quinn called the regular meeting of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Emergency Services building.


Roll Call – Present at the meeting:

All Board members: Barb Melvin, Aaron Appleman, Terry Jensen, Dave Fish, Aaron Nemec, Karen Leis, and Frank Quinn.             

Also: News reporter’s Lonnie Muller and Bonnie Sherman, Public Works Manager Wayne Haugrud, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, Samantha Laskowski, Al Buss, Mark Phillips, and Clerk Kimberly Walker.     


2). Verification was given of meeting publishing in the La Farge Episcope, and of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on Thursday, June 8, 2023.    


3). Melvin moved, Leis seconded to approve the previous meetings minutes: (5-8-2023/Streets and Utilities committee meeting; 5-8-2023/Regular Village board meeting; 5-23-2023/Regular Library Board meeting; and 5-30-2023/Board of Review meeting). (Carried).    


4). Correspondence: None.  


5). Public Comment: None.


6). Utility business:

**Forster Electrical Engineering has requested an amendment to the current engineering contract on the substation project. The main purpose is that the village is hiring Don Russell Construction to do the commissioning of the generator, and they would rather have us pay him directly. Also, they need to charge us a little more, as the original amount was as estimate. Looking at possibly $46,000 between the two.  Jensen moved, Nemec seconded to approve the engineering services agreement addendum. (Carried).  

**Update on the substation: Should be done digging out the old sawdust today, going 14’ deep. Then they will haul in sand to fill the hole back in.    

**The CMAR (Compliance Maintenance Annual report) for the wastewater treatment plant, that the board approved last month, was submitted to the DNR. By the July meeting, should hear back on their response.


7). Old Business: Karen inquired on the Jake Sell issue. Frank reported we’re still working on it. Had a little hiccup with the removal of the RV. Attorney Jacob Menn has filed paperwork.   


8). Stacie Sanborn, with Vernon County Solid Waste, was not in attendance. The board had reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding between us and them with their packet of information, which was an agreement to send our waste to the Vernon County landfill and Appendix A was providing additional advantages for using their facility. Melvin moved, Nemec seconded to approve the MOU agreement and Appendix A with the landfill. (Carried).


9). Al Buss and Samantha Laskowski were present on behalf of the Vernon County Energy District. A handout was given summarizing the microgrid feasibility study. Samantha reviewed the study objectives, resilience analysis, and economic analysis. The feasibility study is for solar panels and battery storage. 


10). Al explained a Department of Energy (DOE) Improvement Grant they are looking at applying for. This is a zero-match grant, administered through the DOE and up to $5 million can be applied for. The inflation reduction grant gives tax credits back for solar projects, but since the Village doesn’t pay income taxes, they can’t take advantage of this. But as a non-paying tax entity, they can get a 30% checkback for the total cost of the project. They would like to apply for this grant for the village, and all they need by July 13th is a pre-application letter of intent, explaining the project. If approved, we would be invited to complete a full application. No financial burden on us. Nemec moved, Melvin seconded to approve the Letter of Intent. (Carried).               


11). Mark Phillips was present to inquire about a possible dog park. He’s been to the Westby one and has ideas to share. He is willing to do the research/work on it if the board is okay with it. He’d like to get public fundraising to help with the costs (fencing, signs, etc.). He’s looking for an area on the south end of town that the village owns. Wayne mentioned we can’t put a fence up in the floodway but can in the flood fringe.  The village would need to check our liability, but it was thought a good idea. It was agreed to let Mark proceed.    


12). Paul and Bev Jacobson submitted a Certified Survey map for the board’s consideration. They are selling their home, and selling a separate (surveyed) portion of their lot to their neighbor, Romelle Heisel. According to our ordinances, the board must approve the change in the property lines. Fish moved, Jensen seconded to approve the CSM. (Carried).   


13). Jensen moved, Appleman seconded to approve a picnic license for the La Farge Volunteers for June 17th for the Lions 50th Anniversary celebration and for July 3rd and 4th, for the 4th of July beer stand, and for the 4th of July Committee for June 30th, for a Beer and Wine walk. (Carried 6-1, with Quinn abstaining, as he wrote the application for the 4th of July committee).   


14). Jensen moved, Leis seconded to approve the 4 business alcohol license renewals: Phil & Deb’s Town Tap, Bergum’s Food Mart, Zzip Stop, and the Twisted Raven Lounge, LLC. (Carried).


15). A list was reviewed of 39 renewal operator licenses and 6 new licenses, for McKinsey Biermann, Shaun Sherman, Dinah Davison, Brice Bjornstad, Misty Hatfield-Tallman, and Ginger Gander. All have completed the required training. Jensen moved, Nemec seconded to approve them all. (Carried 6-1, with Leis abstaining).  


16). Police Report/Update: No report as Police Chief Steve Palmer was not available tonight.  


17). Committee Reports and Updates:

**Fish asked about garbage cans around the VFW stand for the 4th celebration up at the school grounds. The village will have dumpsters up there for use.

**Clinic: Appleman reported we have a person interested in possibly renting a room for office space.

**Library: Barb said their summer programs are underway. 

**Parks: The village received the matching grant from Vernon County for $10,000, for the park electrical camping area upgrades and new park shelters.  


18). Leis moved, Jensen seconded to approve payment of the bills. (Carried).


19). Jensen moved, Appleman seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 7:09 p.m.



                                                           Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer

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