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                 Regular Board Meeting        Monday, August 14, 2023


1). Village President Frank Quinn called the regular meeting of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Emergency Services building.


Roll Call – Present at the meeting:

Board members: Barbara Melvin, Terry Jensen, Karen Leis, Dave Fish, Aaron Nemec, and Frank Quinn. Absent was Aaron Appleman.             

Also: News reporters Lonnie Muller and Bonnie Sherman, Dale Klemme with Community Development Alternatives, Al Buss, Dale Clements, Public Works Manager Wayne Haugrud, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, Police Chief Steve Palmer, and Clerk Kimberly Walker.     


2). Verification was given of meeting publishing in the La Farge Episcope, and of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on Thursday, August 10, 2023.    


3). Melvin moved, Leis seconded to approve the previous meetings minutes: (7-10-2023/Regular Village board meeting; 7-25-2023/Regular Lawton Memorial Library Board meeting; 7-31-2023/Special Village Board meeting; and 8-1-2023/Parks, Grounds, Buildings, and Cemetery committee meeting). (Carried).    


4). Correspondence: None.  


5). Public Comment: None.


6). Utility business:  

**August 16th is a pre-construction meeting for the water quality trading for the phosphorus streambank stabilization project. This should be starting soon.

**MP Systems is working on the substation building. The steel and overhead distribution should be arriving mid-to-late September.  

**Last month it was approved to buy a replacement utility truck, staying under $35,000. A pickup and bed have been purchased for a total of $27,000. The old pickup will be put on the Wisconsin Surplus auction.   


7). Old Business: Greg reported we heard from Derrick Van Orden’s office that we’ve been approved for $1 million through the Appropriations committee on the substation project. It’s still moving up the chain, going next to the House of Representatives, then to the Senate.  


8). Dale Klemme, with CDA, was present. He extended his support and gratitude from us over his last 6 weeks dealing with a family situation. He was pleased that the application CDA submitted on our behalf in May was awarded the $1 million dollars for the Main and Mill Street project. There are several items to get turned in by mid-September, which they’ll do for us. CDA welcomes doing the grant administration and will turn in a proposal/contract to us for the next meeting. There is also a mandatory CDBG training online that a rep from the village needs to participate in, along with CDA. Start date is July 1, 2024, and to end in 2025. After January 1st, will do the bids. Delta 3 has been pursuing DNR funding to help with the match portion. We should know by November on the outcome. The board thanked Dale for attending.  


9). Dale Clements was present to inquire about having concerned citizen meetings. They had these in the 1970’s and he’d like to see something like that again. He said we have a wonderful police officer, who’s been quite busy and needs help. Frank told him to get information together on what they do, etc., and get the info to Steve. Then it can go to the police committee for further discussion.        


10). Crystal Hanson submitted a Certified Survey map for the board’s consideration, regarding the surveyed portion of land they are purchasing from the village at the top of the Village Park. According to our ordinances, the board must approve the change in the property lines. Jensen moved, Fish seconded to approve the CSM. (Carried).  


11). Nemec moved, Melvin seconded to approve the renewal of the ad in the Hidden Valleys Visitors Guide for a cost of $284.05 (same as last year). (Carried). 


12). Wayne received two quotes for sealing cracks on One Organic Way, from Hwy 131 N., up the hill past the booster station, to the turn around area. BC Sealcoating, LLC bid $5,472 and Driese Seal Coating bid $5,062.20. Jensen moved, Melvin seconded to approve the bid from Driese. (Carried).    


13). Jensen moved, Leis seconded to approve an operator license for Jennifer Martinez (renewal) and a new license for Shaun Taholski (he completed the Learn 2 Serve Beverage training on 7-14-2023). (Carried).  


14). Police Report/Update: Chief Steve Palmer commented on the Bulletproof Mind Seminar he attended on August 9th in Onalaska. Everything is going well, and he’s working on junk violations and abandoned vehicles.   

**Steve inquired on cameras to monitor Bean Park. The ones we put in the Village Park this year have proved to be invaluable. It has solved two major property damages. Steve approached the library board on using the library to house the system, which they agreed was fine. There will be 4 cameras on the back side of the library, the same kind of system at the Village Park. The total cost for the cameras and monitor is around $500. Leis moved, Jensen seconded to put the cameras up for Bean Park. (Carried).    


15). Wayne commented on the park meeting (8-1-23), on ideas gathered for updating the Lions Shelter. He met with Mike Fowell and they will wait until school starts to do any work on it. Cameras were mentioned, but will budget for this next year, as the shelter will be closing in a couple months. He also reviewed the new park rules suggested at the meeting. We’ve had a few issues over the years, with people staying long, not paying, and leaving a mess. Fish moved, Nemec seconded to approve the park rules and the Lions shelter recommendations. (Carried).     


16). Committee Reports and Updates:

**Library: Barb reported the library is planning a month of activities for October to celebrate their 100-year    anniversary.   

17). Melvin moved, Leis seconded to approve payment of the bills. (Carried).


18). Jensen moved, Nemec seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 7:00 p.m.



                                                           Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer

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