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                Regular Board Meeting        Monday, September 11, 2023


1). Village President Frank Quinn called the regular meeting of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Emergency Services building, located at 201 S. Cherry Street.


Roll Call – Present at the meeting:

All Board members: Barbara Melvin, Aaron Nemec, Terry Jensen, Dave Fish, Karen Leis, Aaron Appleman, and Frank Quinn.              

Also: News reporters Lonnie Muller and Bonnie Sherman, Mark Phillips, James Hanson, Brad Steinmetz, Public Works Manager Wayne Haugrud, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, Police Chief Steve Palmer, and Clerk Kimberly Walker.     


2). Verification was given of meeting publishing in the La Farge Episcope, and of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on Thursday, September 7, 2023.    


3). Melvin moved, Leis seconded to approve the previous meetings minutes: (8-14-2023/Regular Village board meeting; 8-15-2023/Special Lawton Memorial Library Board meeting; and 8-23-2023/Zoning Board of Appeals meeting). (Carried).    


4). Correspondence: None.  


5). Public Comment: None.


6). Utility business:  

**For the 2024 Infrastructure Improvements project for Main & Mill Streets, acted on the following:

  1. Jensen moved, Appleman seconded to approve Submittal of the Clean Water Fund (CWF) application. (Carried).

  2. Jensen moved, Nemec seconded to approve Resolution #9-111-23, for “Authorized Representative Resolution- Environmental Improvement Fund”, for a CWF Application. (Carried).

  3. Fish moved, Leis seconded to approve Resolution #9-211-23, for “A Resolution Declaring Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures”, for the CWF application. (Carried).  

  4. Melvin moved, Fish seconded to approve the “Cost & Effectiveness Certification for a CWF Application”. (Carried). Cost is $1,995,770.


*Regular Utility business: Wayne gave an update on the water quality trading project: They started on Bear Creek and are almost done. Tomorrow, they are to move their equipment and work on the Kickapoo River, by Sandmire Park, going toward the wastewater plant. 

**Electric Substation update: MP Systems has laid out the poles for where the overhead distribution is to go. The underground crew will be here next week. Waiting for the metal to come in to build the substation. Around December/January, they are planning to start the switchover if the supply chain keeps going good.   

**Dale Klemme informed us there are still additional CDBG disaster funds available, possibly up to $300,000 from the Wisconsin DOA, to help towards the substation project. We can submit a letter inquiring about these additional funds and see what happens. Also, the $1 million from Congress is still in the works.       


7). Old Business: None.  


8). Mark Phillips was present to request closing of an unimproved 24’ alley behind the skatepark area (that continues to the neighbor’s property of Mike Donovan to the East) and then ends. They received a donation to build a 24’ X 32’ shelter next to the skatepark property, and Mark noticed this alley that doesn’t go anywhere, where they’d like to build the shelter. If the board approves closing this, they would also like to request to move up the property lines of Lots 7 & 8, to the top North part of the plated alley way. Instead of each entity (village and church) getting ½ of the alley back, it would all go to the Church. They’d need to get it surveyed, then bring back the CSM for board approval. Jenson moved, Nemec seconded to approve moving forward with the alley closing, and for publishing it in the paper for the next 3 weeks. (Carried).  


**Mark is also asking permission to use the Village Park next July for their Hot Rod Sunday event. Next Spring the Main Street project will be going down by the Church area, and Mark said they are also running out of space for the event. They wouldn’t take the camping sites, just park along the inside by the white posts, and possibly look at closing off Organic Way, to use a portion of that street for also showing the cars. Chief Palmer saw no problem with it. People and spectators could park below the park, and check with Organic Valley if their parking lot above could also be used. If this works out, maybe use this every year. Jensen moved, Melvin seconded to allow them permission to use the Village Park. (Carried).   


9). Fish moved, Leis seconded to approve a picnic license for the La Farge Volunteers for their annual gun raffle banquet on October 7th. (Carried).


10). Fish moved, Appleman seconded to approve October 6th and 7th for the 14th annual Fall Village-wide rummage sales. (Carried).


11). Earl Nelson submitted a Certified Survey map, regarding splitting his lots (parcel #’s 146-00018 and 146-00019, along Main and Silver Streets), where the new car wash area is. He owns a house in the front part and is dividing the 2 parcels of land to run East and West, instead of North to South to separate these buildings. According to our ordinances, the board must approve the change in the property lines. Jensen moved, Leis seconded to approve the CSM. (Carried).  


12). The school Class of 2025 has requested use of the disc golf property on Friday, October 27th, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. to host a Zombie Run event. Melvin moved, Jensen seconded to approve this. (Carried). 


13). For the Emergency Services Building committee, Cheryl Purvis was our village rep. This person helps oversee the building, the yearly budget, and represents us. She is no longer on the board, so we need a replacement. Quinn said he will serve as our rep. Jensen moved, Fish seconded to approve Quinn. (Carried). 


14). Jensen moved, Leis seconded to approve an operator license for Timothy Parr (renewal). (Carried).  


15). The Planning commission met before this meeting and have 2 recommendations for re-zoning. The first is James and Crystal Hanson, to go from residential to commercial for 3 storage units on their property (at 777 N. Park Drive). They approved this. Fish moved, Nemec seconded to also approve. (Carried).  


**The second is to go from residential to commercial, for Mike Donovan, on his lots on the East side of the skatepark, on East Main Street. He is looking at the best option for development. After much discussion, the commission approved his request. Jensen moved, Melvin seconded to approve. (Carried 6-1, with Quinn abstaining). 


16). Police Report/Update: Chief Steve Palmer commented he attended the first day at school, meeting with the staff and students and attended the community event at the La Farge Medical clinic. He was also asked to assist Cashton at their Fall Fest parade yesterday. One of their officers had a medical event. And need to check with Attorney Menn on a case Steve had that was dismissed, which Menn was going to file an appeal.


17). Committee Reports and Updates:

**Library: Barb reported the library is continuing with planning for their 100-year anniversary celebration. October 11th is the open house, with Brad Steinmetz giving a brief history talk, with lots of activities throughout the month of October.    

**October 19th is the annual Fire and Ambulance Association meetings. Barb will represent the village, taking over from Cheryl Purvis. All are welcome to attend, but only one voting member is from each entity.


18). Appleman moved, Melvin seconded to approve payment of the bills. (Carried).


19). Jensen moved, Nemec seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 7:05 p.m.



                                                           Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer

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