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Regular Board Meeting         Monday, October 10, 2022


1). Village President Cheryl Purvis called the regular meeting of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Emergency Services Building. Roll Call. Board Members present: Frank Quinn, Barbara Melvin, Terry Jensen, Karen Leis, Aaron Appleman, and Cheryl Purvis.  Absent was Aaron Nemec.

Also present: News reporter Lonnie Muller, Public Works Manager Wayne Haugrud, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, Peggy Woods, Police Chief Steve Palmer, Attorney Jacob Menn, Brad Steinmetz, Nick Burnard, and Todd Camlek.


2). Verification was given of meeting publishing in the La Farge Episcope, and of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on October 7, 2022.  


3). Quinn moved, Jensen seconded to approve the previous meetings minutes: (9-12-22/Regular Village board meeting; 10-5-22/Streets committee meeting; 10-5-22/Park committee meeting; 10-5-22/Medical committee meeting. (Carried).    


4). Correspondence: Cheryl announced to the board they are all invited to attend the annual La Farge Fire and Ambulance Association meetings on Thursday, October 20, 2022.  The Ambulance Association meets at 7:00 p.m. and the Fire Association at 8:00 p.m.


5). Public Comment: None.                


6). Utility business: Wayne talked about an issue with the electric generator.  This is the main generator for electric backup, and it has an issue with the radiator and is not currently working.  A quote was obtained from Fabickat for approximately $38,000 and is set to begin repair on October 18th and completion about two weeks after that.


7). Old business: Jacob Menn was present to review the abatement issue for Jacob Sell’s property. He asked to go into closed session, but Purvis stated the board could not do that as it was not on the agenda for a closed session.  It was decided that a closed session at a future meeting would be best to discuss strategy going forth, and the abatement would go through circuit court.  Attorney Menn did briefly review the past history with Jacob Sell.  Through municipal court citations in the past, Sell was arrested for nonpayment and then we faced costs for medical issues to keep him in jail.  A strategy for moving forward must be developed.  He also noted the Kathleen Hart summons and complaint would be filed on October 11th.


8). Jensen moved, Melvin seconded to approve operator licenses for Jeffrey Boaz (training completed 09/30/22), and Alyssa Tulley (training completed 09/22/22).  (Carried).


9). Discussion on running an ad in the Driftless Wisconsin Map publication again this year.  LAPA has already given $100 toward it.  Quinn moved, Appleman seconded to approve the advertisement.  (Carried).  


10). Committee Reports:

**Quinn noted that Steve Palmer began today as Police Chief.  Steve said he had a good first day and meet with the school and did some training there with the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office.  Palmer was welcomed by the board.

**Purvis said the municipal court was to have a meeting but there was no quorum present, so the meeting has been rescheduled until next week.  The municipalities have gathered data on outstanding fines and will hopefully make progress going forth.      


11). Quinn moved, Leis seconded to approve payment of the bills. (Carried).


12). Jensen moved, Appleman seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:47 p.m.


                                                                                     Greg Lawton, Utility Clerk

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