Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town
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Public Hearing Meeting Wednesday, October 4, 2023
1). Village President Frank Quinn called the Public Hearing meeting of the La Farge Village Board to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Emergency Services building, at 201 S. Cherry Street. Roll Call. Board members present were Quinn, Karen Leis, Aaron Appleman, Barbara Melvin, and Dave Fish. Absent was Terry Jensen and Aaron Nemec. Also present was Dale Klemme with Community Development Alternatives, Public Works Manager Wayne Haugrud, news reporter Lonnie Muller, Utility Clerk Greg Lawton, and Clerk Kimberly Walker. A sign in sheet was passed around for the record.
2). Verification of posting at the Bank, Post Office, and Village Office on September 14, 2023, and of publishing in the La Farge Episcope was given.
3). Dale Klemme, from CDA, was present to conduct this Public Hearing, as it is a requirement of the grant. This gives the public an opportunity to comment on how they feel about the project at this point. Dale was at the site tonight and commented on how good the progress is going.
*PWM Wayne Haugrud gave an update on the project so far.
**The actual structure is completely up. The interior walls are insulated, and some fire walls are up.
**The part where the switchgear is located, they have a vinyl ceiling up.
**The exterior walk doors are there, but not installed yet. Waiting on the garage doors.
**The steel framing for the transformers is all up.
**MP Systems is working on setting the poles for the overhead distribution.
**Doing some remarking of the wetlands before more underground boring for the distribution can be done.
**October 19th is a Microsoft teams meeting with MP to discuss the switch over.
**Caterpillar was there working on the controls for the generator.
**December 1st is a possible start for the switchover.
**We are at about $18,000 for change orders. Part was for a silk fence, due to the wood turtle, and some for the base of the structure itself. Total project is roughly $3.3 million. We have $2 million+ in grants, plus $300,000 just approved from the State. The balance of a little over $1 million will be funded by the TIF funds. And we still have a request for $1 million in the Appropriations from Congress. Looking at the Spring of 2024 for completion of the total project.
4). Update on the status of any residential or business displacement as a result of this project. Dale reported there was none because of this project, as the village already owned the property.
5). There was no public input or feedback from the community or board on the project. Melvin moved, Appleman seconded to close the Public Hearing.
**Dale asked if at the next board meeting, the village would consider a small amendment to their contract, regarding the additional work for the $300,000 grant the village received. This will be placed on the agenda.
**Dale said their firm will not be submitting a proposal for administration on the new Main and Mill Street grant project. With the recent happenings in his life, his age, and losing an employee to another job after a year of training (to replace Gary Koch who retired), he feels it’s time to do less. CDA will finish the substation project. He talked with Bart of Delta 3, and suggested he submit a proposal for the Main/Mill project admin. He, along with Lori who’s been there 27 years, will still help on housing projects and childcare needs. Frank thanked Dale.
*Melvin moved, Leis seconded to adjourn. (Carried). Adjourned at 6:12 p.m.
Kimberly Walker, Village Clerk/Treasurer