Welcome to LA FARGE, WI
a Kickapoo River town

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Village Information
Village of La Farge
105 W Main St.
La Farge, Wisconsin 54639
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30 -4:00
Ordinance Complaint Form
We appreciate your concerns about he conditions of our village. Please print out the Ordinance Complaint Form (w icon below), fill it out, and submit it to the village office. An investigation will be conducted to determine if there are any ordinance violations. Thank you for your help.
A copy of the ordinances can be found by clicking here or by looking under the Community Life menu item.

Garbage tags have increased from $2.00 each to $2.50 each effective 1/1/2025. Dumpsters have increased from $35.00 to $40.00. Thank you for your understanding!
Village of La Farge

Interesting Links
La Farge Area Partners Facebook page
Economic Flood Recovery Final Plan
Dec. 21, 2020
Fiber Optics in La Farge and Vernon County
Kickapoo Valley Reserve
La Farge Public School
Vernon County Website
Hidden Valleys of Southwest Wisconsin website
Focus On Energy​ - programs for energy savings and incentives
Wisconsin Flood Stories
List of people in public offices representing La Farge residents
List of village committees and members
Village Board and Library Board meeting minutes - are posted for about a year.
Meeting minutes prior to that are available at the Village Office. See Kim.
Suggestions or Comments?
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